About the Journal

INNOVACADEMIA Scientific Journal of Education at the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León is a digital open-access journal published quarterly by the Universidad Autonoma of Nuevo León. It was founded in 2024 as an initiative of the Academic Office, led by Dr. Jaime A. Castillo Elizondo. 




To disseminate scientific research articles, literature review articles, essays and reviews on different areas of education, with the aim of enabling teachers, researchers, and students to stay updated on the latest trends, theories, and innovative educational practices. 


To disseminate scientific production at national and international scope on educational topics across all levels, with the aim of creating a space dedicated to fostering research, analysis, discussion, and continuous updates in the field of education. Our journal seeks to promote the exchange of knowledge, findings, and experiences among researchers, teachers, students, and general public interested in staying informed about advancements and innovation in educational practices. 


The INNOVACADEMIA journal is aimed at all readers interested in education, particularly those directly involved in it, such as researchers, teachers, and students. Publications are shared through scientific articles, review articles, essays or reviews that address educational topics at any level: elementary, secondary, and higher education. 

As educational themes are widely diverse, we accept works related to teaching and learning methodologies, educational technologies, learning assessment and measurement of assessment, professional development, curriculum design and study plans, inclusive education and diversity, educational management and leadership, educational research, school violence, education for peace, emotional well-being in the educational setting, and educational innovation, among other relevant topics in the educational field.