Anti-Plagiarism Policy

The Academic Integrity Code of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León defines academic integrity as a commitment to certain values, such as honesty, responsibility, and respect for intellectual property, with the goal of promoting and maintaining high ethical standards within the academic community of the institution. In this regard, any article submitted to the INNOVACADEMIA journal must be original and unpublished, and it must not have been published in other dissemination or publication outlets. 

Discovering plagiarism is one of the most important stages of our editorial process. Plagiarism is the improper appropriation, substantial textual copying, or use of another's work presented as one's own. Self-plagiarism, which involves citing published works and presenting the information as new or original in current research, is not accepted either. In such cases, proper citation in the required format is necessary, and only two self-citations or self-references by the authors will be accepted in the text of the work. 

Subsequently, all works are checked using the iThenticate software. The result of the scan from this tool is crucial in deciding whether the work moves on to the next stage.